Join our April 2023 cohort with a focus on workplace culture.
Are you burning out from putting out fires and dealing with challenging situations at work? Time to re-energize and strategize.
If you answered YES, you are not alone.
When changes in our workplaces, community and world accumulate to a point where we feel uprooted or out of sorts ourselves, it is time to pause. As a leader, this can be especially tough when you have so much to do and so many people to look after.
The success of any workplace or social change effort is deeply interconnected to the health and wellness of the leaders within that organization or movement. Your wellness and passion for the work and ability to lead effectively is essential right now…
One survey reported that nearly 60% of leaders feel used up at the end of the workday, which is a strong indicator of burnout.
It’s important to remember that living and navigating through an increasingly turbulent world means that we are not functioning at the capacity we were before COVID-19.
Leaders in all sectors may face many complex issues such as high pressure job demands, frequent change, role and organization structure changes, burnout, polarized teams and communities, discrimination, and harassment or bullying... to just name a few.
We are hearing about the issues leaders face every day. In fact, many leaders are struggling to stay focused and energized in these times that we are all living in and navigating through. By now, you must agree that multi-tasking is not the solution.
Like the world we live in, many communities and organizations are experiencing rapid or continuous change. When leaders don’t take the time to maintain their own wellness and find their footing again, it can wreak havoc on teams, workplaces, and organizations. So many leaders feel they are going at this alone.
The good news is these outcomes can be avoided; we have solutions that can help.
If you’re tired of canned presentations or cookie-cutter facilitation, this won’t feel like another “off the shelf” program or flavour of the month approach. From start to finish, this program is designed and delivered around your specific needs and well-being.
People issues, disconnection and team breakdowns can impact your health and wellness as a leader. The quality of your health and wellness has a ripple effect and can impact your team and organization significantly. Together, we will support you to build a culture of belonging from the inside out—starting with you and your wellness.
After all, nothing ever grows from the outside in. Like everything in the universe, all change efforts grow from the inside out… starting with you!
In this series of customized, facilitated conversations, leaders come together in small cohorts to use a collaborative, problem-solving approach to address your priority challenges.
In this process, we believe, as a leader YOU matter. In fact, you are the most important instrument in your efforts to nurture and lead the change in your unique context. After all, to effectively support change, you need to be the change. During these Belonging Matters Conversations, you will connect with other leaders, explore belonging and wellness in your own life, and together with your cohort generate strategies for long-term solutions.
Belonging Matters Conversations For Leaders are delivered live, online through Zoom gatherings in small cohorts. Throughout the process, Jessie Sutherland shares and draws on insights from over 25 years of designing, facilitating and supporting Belonging Matters Conversations locally, nationally and internationally.
Explore how Belonging Matters Conversations For Leaders can be customized to your cohort to help address your issues, needs and goals. Our upcoming April cohort will focus on navigating workplace culture in turbulent times.
Belonging Matters Conversations for Leaders involves a series of 4 facilitated conversations:
All call times will be as follows:
Pacific: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Mountain: 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Central: 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Eastern: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Why Belonging Matters
Friday, April 14th, 2023
Addressing Our First Priority Challenge
Friday, April 21st, 2023
Addressing Our Second Priority Challenge
Friday, April 28th, 2023
Culminating Activities and Integration
Friday, May 5th, 2023
Each week, you are provided with optional writing prompts for your Belonging Matters Reflections journal (you can use the booklet we'll mail or a journal of your own) to take your learning to a deeper level. While many say that experience is a great teacher, research shows that reflecting on our experience is where our greatest learning happens.
Throughout the program, you will be supported to create visual legacies (e.g. posters, videos, social media, etc.) to assist you in anchoring your personal learning and inspiring actionable next steps.
The group creates the experience; therefore, attending in person is critical to what you’ll get out of the experience and what you’ll contribute to the experience of others.
Deepen and strengthen your leadership capacity
When you take the time to build belonging more fully within yourself, you will increase your confidence in your role as a leader; find more joy in your work; and have greater ease to lead your team, workplace, or community more effectively through any given challenging situation.
Support your diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) efforts
When you experience this process, you will be more attuned to knowing how to support the voice, dignity and leadership of people with lived experience. As a result, you are able to more effectively build a culture of belonging that lends support to your policies, procedures, team charters and vision.
Experience a fully customized, guided process
Jessie walks you and your cohort through the Belonging Matters Conversations process from start to finish. It is customized to your cohort. There’s no guesswork or trying to figure it out on your own.
Avoid burnout
The cost of burnout is high, impacting your own mental, physical and emotional health. When you take time for yourself, you will enjoy better health and will positively impact those you work with and serve.
Create lasting visual legacies
Visual legacies are co-created with you and your cohort to synthesize key insights and commitments for ongoing reflection, awareness and learning.
Gain clarity on your next step
By the end of this process, we will be clear on your next best step to be the change as you facilitate change so that you can increase your impact with more ease and greater confidence.
In this interactive session, you and your cohort explore what belonging means, share stories and discuss your key challenges. By the end of this session, your cohort will have prioritized their key issues in preparation for Session #2 that your cohort will work on collaboratively.
We customize Session #2 based on one of the priority challenges identified in Session #1. Here, you and your cohort will explore your priority challenge through sharing stories, exploring root causes and coming up with collective tips and strategies.
We customize Session #3 based on one of the priority challenges identified in Session #1. Here, you and your cohort will explore your priority challenge through sharing stories, exploring root causes and coming up with collective tips and strategies.
In this conversation, you and your cohort will share visual legacies and generate ideas for action planning in your own contexts.
About Creating Visual Legacies:
Every week, you will have an opportunity to create your personal visual legacy that represents your journey, your process and the key insights that are meaningful to you. For those who wish, we provide some templates and an opportunity to connect with a member of our team to finalize a meaningful visual legacy that can be used to remind you and guide you for years to come.
Build Your Supportive Network For Leaders
(90-Minute Group Call)
Did you know that research and experience shows that your supportive network is essential to both your health and success in life and in your role as a leader? We consulted with cutting-edge leaders who have tremendous impact in their communities and identified 12 areas to consider when building your supportive network so that you can thrive as a leader. During this interactive bonus session, we will share our findings, provide a handout to help guide the building of your supportive network, and ensure there is time to start to build your personal action plan so you can thrive as you facilitate change in our increasingly turbulent world.
6-Month Check-In
(90-Minute Booster Session)
We will facilitate a 6-month check-in with you and your cohort to see how implementing your action plans are going. Think of this like a booster session. This opportunity reconnects your cohort to each other, your key insights, the strategies created, and your personal action plans. The booster session check-in supports solutions moving forward.
Community of Practice
(3 Months)
You will access a complimentary 3-month pass to our 1-hour monthly virtual Community of Practice group call where you will meet other leaders who have gone through our programs and together address priority issues around building a culture of belonging in your own contexts.
An international speaker, trainer, and consultant, Jessie Sutherland works with organizations and communities to engage diversity, build belonging and ignite intercultural collaboration.
Recipient of BC Community Achievement Award (2023), her approach creates sustainable community change that effectively addresses complex social problems.
Meet other leaders from unique contexts and together share common challenges and co-create new pathways forward. As a result, you will experience better health and wellness and increase your effectiveness in facilitating change.
Know where to focus your efforts for greatest impact personally and professionally.
Generate innovative ideas and solutions to increase your sense of ease, purpose and connection.
Create a visual legacy of your experience and access reflective learning practices to deepen the integration of your experience into practical, actionable gems.
Deepen your own sense of home, belonging and connectedness within yourself and get clarity around your values and how you approach your work as a leader facilitating change.
Strengthen your problem solving strategies and transform “people problems” into opportunities for growth and collaboration.
Close the communication and understanding gap between diverse perspectives.
Expand your awareness and as a result increase your effectiveness.
Transform leadership isolation into a supportive network and collaborative cohort community.
Build a supportive culture for yourself and see the impact on your team, your organization and your social change efforts.
Jessie stands behind her work and programs. If you complete the Belonging Matters Conversations For Leaders training series and don’t see value within 30 days, we 100% guarantee your money back. If you attend the calls, complete the exercises, and engage with the reflective practices, we have no doubt this will change your leadership efforts in a positive way.
If you have done all of this and you don’t feel that you received value, that you didn't discover the tools, process and resources to help you rest, re-energize and strategize as a leader, then contact us within 30 days of purchase and you will receive a complete refund of your investment.
Jessie Sutherland has a gift for generating “ah-ha” moments.
Jessie Sutherland has a gift for generating “ah-ha” moments. Her gentle questioning and invitation to go deeper into your self provides a powerful means of transformation. I have benefited by moving toward healthier personal and professional relationships since my participation in her training.
Thanks, Jessie!
Jessie’s values-based approach is a huge reason why I am able to resolve conflicts...
I have been a fan of Jessie’s values-based approach for 15 years. I have benefited in my personal and working relationships, as well as systems thinking. Jessie’s values-based approach is a huge reason why I am able to resolve conflicts as a person who values harmony and avoids conflict.
...builds a sense of belonging and inclusion for everyone…
Jessie Sutherland’s Belonging Matters framework is one of the best approaches I know of. It builds a sense of belonging and inclusion for everyone, laying the foundational building block for reconciliation on the political and economic levels.
There are a few technical requirements and recommendations. To participate, you need:
- Reliable internet access (and enough speed for video streaming).
- To download Zoom to your device for our calls (we'll send you a link).
- Access to a Gmail account for submission of information and images through Google forms related to the training.
Beyond this, your willing attendance to be on the calls live and participate fully ensures the maximum benefit for everyone involved.
There is not much you will need to do to prepare. The process will be explained and facilitated by Jessie, and she will provide any information that is needed ahead of time and/or between sessions. Each session may include some simple preparatory reflections and a possible activity.
Each conversation session lasts 2 hours and is held once a week for one month. There will be reflective practices each week that should not take more than 60 minutes. Many leaders who take this program enjoy the process and sometimes spend more time. On average, 60 minutes provides ample time to deepen your learning and get the most out of the process.
We are keeping each cohort size to a maximum of 5 or 6 leaders like you who are facilitating change in unique contexts.
You and your cohort can use visual reminders as an awareness tool for inspiration as you move forward in your own context. Many cohorts find they provide a great summary and reminder of key insights.
This program is the result of more than 25 years of research and working with individuals and teams around the globe delivering training, facilitating processes and building cultures of belonging in diverse contexts. I continue to be inspired by the solutions that people create together when stories are shared, understanding is built and solutions are co-created.
It would be an honour to work with you. I invite you to join our next Belonging Matters Conversations For Leaders cohort where you can connect with yourself and other leaders to find your footing again. I would be honoured to work with you and support you and your leadership so that you leave re-energized and anchored more deeply within yourself as you facilitate change in our increasingly turbulent times.