I gained 3 key take-aways from participating in the Belonging Matters Conversations for Leaders series:
#1: First of all, I appreciated the opportunity to reflect on old ways of thinking / being / acting in the world in the supportively structured environment Jessie created.
#2: Secondly, the follow-through activities, including the development of the visual legacies Jessie incorporated, helped to actually bring the new ways of thinking / being / acting into our lives.
#3: Third, I’ve enjoyed the peer-learning that took place with the people Jessie convened.
I value the thoughtful structure Jessie places behind the activities in the course, including the logical and effective working-through from new mindset to new action or set of actions. Her words and actions demonstrate the careful way she relates to the individuals in the group, her respect for difference, and her ability to bring out the best in the people she brings together.
I really appreciated both Jessie’s and the group's willingness to include my interest in attending to the “skilling-up” of the self in the context of social justice issues. This made a huge difference in what I have taken away.