How do you know your people & culture change initiative is working?

You probably DON’T.

Learn a proven evaluation process for measuring and deepening your program’s impact with global experts Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland.

You’re trying to create a genuine culture of belonging, but you are not getting the traction you want.

You can’t afford to waste resources on initiatives that aren’t getting you the results you want.

If you DON’T take the time to assess what is working, you may:

  • Develop new equity and inclusion statements and strategies, yet attitudes and behaviours don’t match up.
  • Spend a fortune (time, money and energy) on diversity initiatives and training, yet don’t have practices to internalize the learning.
  • Hear great feedback, but don’t have the data to get more resources to grow.
  • Get stuck hiring external consultants because you don’t know how to measure impact yourself.

Imagine what it would be like to have a clear process to discover what is and isn’t working in your belonging strategies and how to make them even BETTER.

When you know how to measure your impact, you can:

  • Be confident in knowing what is working, what isn’t and how to course correct.
  • Make better decisions about resource and time allocation.
  • Accelerate belonging and increase your reach and growth.
  • Empower your team to internalize the change in their attitudes and behaviours.
measure your belonging impact

So what’s stopping you from measuring impact?

obstacles with measuring impact
  • You think it’s going to take up too much time and money.
  • You don’t have the in-house knowledge and skills.
  • You’re unaware of how simple it is and that your team can DIY it!
  • You’re afraid of what you’ll find.

To overcome these fears and obstacles, you need a proven process that not only measures impact, but also accelerates change. When you have the right toolkit, you can achieve lasting and sustainable outcomes that can be replicated across departments and contexts.

Intercultural Strategies Presents:

Measure & Accelerate Belonging

A Principles-Focused Evaluation Toolkit

Learn a proven process and gain access to evaluation tools to measure and accelerate your program’s impact.

We are bringing you this unique and once in a lifetime course to learn how to measure belonging. This program is delivered by global experts Michael Quinn Patton, a world renowned organizational development and program evaluation expert in systems transformation, and Jessie Sutherland, the founding director of the Belonging Matters framework, an award-winning community change model that has been delivered in 8 languages and reached over 2.5 million people. 

In this self-paced online six-part training program, you will gain access to our evaluation toolkit for measuring belonging and the impact of your change initiative. We recommend you do one module per week so you have time to integrate what you learn and customize your evaluation instruments.  

"…we now evaluate in a much clearer, simpler, more flexible way that brings both the learnings and the outcomes at the forefront of our evaluation process."

~ Talia Smith

International Trustbuilding Program Manager at Initiatives of Change

Join our self-paced program to get started.

Measure & Accelerate Belonging: Outcomes

In this course, you will learn how to:

  • Assess the 3 key elements of successful change initiatives.
  • Create strategic practices to change attitudes, behaviours, policies and practices.
  • Collect data, measure impact and engage key stakeholders.
  • Identify next steps for scaling what works and course correction for what doesn’t.

Here’s what people are saying about our evaluation methods:

"…our encounter with Jessie marked a monumental turning point for us…"

~ Alena Vasilyeva

Executive Assistant, IofC International, Belarus/UK

"...evaluation is not just a plug and play into the program, but it's actually part of all the heart of the program..."

~ Cleopadia Mohlaodi

National Coordinator of IofC South Africa

"…it made me collate data better so that… partners and collaborators will want to work with me."

~ Joy Onyebuchi Nweke

Trust Building Project Member, IofC Nigeria

"I would warmly recommend Professor Sutherland and her approach to what I see as really holistic evaluation…"

~ Anthony Dugan

Chairman of the IofC South Africa Board

In 6 weeks, you will have a new toolkit to measure and accelerate belonging that is responsive and agile to changing contexts.  

Course Outline

Below is a closer look at our 6-part training program and the tools that you’ll be able to customize to your unique context and change journey.

We recommend you do one module per week so you have time to integrate what you learn and customize your evaluation instruments.

MAB - Module 1 - Introduction to Measuring Belonging
Module 1: Introduction to Measuring Belonging

In our introductory session, you will hear Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland in conversation as they dive into the 3 essential success factors in any change initiative. Drawing on the Belonging Matters framework and community change model as a case study, you will experience and gain insight into how a belonging lens can increase your impact and how Principles-Focused Evaluation is the secret sauce to deepen learning within your change effort and measure its impact.

MAB - Module 2: Team Evaluation Instruments
Module 2: Team Evaluation Instruments

We will dive into the why and how of creating evaluation instruments that result in your team deepening their learning, strengthening collaboration and increasing your reach and impact. You’ll hear Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland share an example of how to create team evaluation instruments that use reflective practices to address the overdose crisis. A sample team reflective practice will be shared. You will have time to adapt and customize the team reflective practice to your unique context.

MAB - Module 3 - Participant Evaluation Instruments
Module 3: People With Lived Experience Evaluation Instruments

Most evaluation approaches miss out on valuable data from the people you are trying to serve, whether it’s students, employees, and/or under-represented community voices. In this session, Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland will share samples of people with lived experience (PWLE) evaluation instruments that use reflective practices. They’ll demonstrate how the evaluation instruments will deepen engagement, learning and collaboration, as well as provide information to measure the impact of your change effort. A sample PWLE reflective practice will be shared. You will have time to adapt and customize this reflective practice to your unique context.

MAB - Module 4 - Measuring Behaviour Change
Module 4: Measuring Behaviour Change
The ultimate goal in all change efforts is to engage both people and systems in a transformative journey. If successful, this changes not only policies but also people’s attitudes and behaviours. In this session, Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland will introduce you to a powerful evaluation instrument to measure behaviour change. You’ll learn how to use the tool, and you will have time to adapt and customize it to your unique context.
MAB - Module 5: Synthesize Findings and Final Report
Module 5: Synthesize Findings and Final Report
In this session, Michael Quinn Patton and Jessie Sutherland discuss how to synthesize your findings and create a final report that shares the story of your change initiative. You’ll access a sample report outline and have an opportunity to apply what you learn. You’ll also learn ways to use your findings and report to increase engagement and communicate the positive outcomes from your initiative to funders and other stakeholders.
MAB - Module 6 - Embed Strategic Reflective Practices in Change Initiatives
Module 6: Embed Strategic Reflective Practices in Change Initiatives
Rather than evaluation being an after-thought at the end of a program or change initiative, you will learn how to embed your evaluation instruments (aka “reflective practices”) throughout your change initiative. You’ll also access a worksheet chart you can use to create a plan for your unique context. You’ll also hear our April 2024 cohort application questions. The session will close with a retrospective learning practice.


Receive these gifts to support your evaluation process.

Bonus 2
Create Powerful Challenge Statements

(Online Program)

As an additional gift, we invite you to access our bonus Create Powerful Challenge Statements course and learn how you can use this practice as a communication tool to inspire others to join your effort. In addition, you’ll avoid scope creep and help your whole team focus their efforts for greater impact. 

Finally, creating a powerful challenge statement is an effective evaluation tool your team can use as a reflective learning practice at key milestones in your change initiative.

($197.00 Value)

Create Powerful Challenge Statements - thin paperback with background
Bonus 1
45-Minute Personalized Review

(1:1 Call with Jessie Sutherland)

After you complete this program, you'll be invited to book a private 45-minute call with Jessie Sutherland to answer any unanswered questions to customize what you learned in your context. On each 45-minute private call, we will:

  • Dive into what matters most to you
  • Share knowledge
  • Identify your next best step

($247.00 Value)

Jessie Sutherland, Director of Intercultural Strategies

About Jessie Sutherland,

An international speaker, trainer, and consultant, Jessie Sutherland works with organizations and communities to engage diversity, build belonging and ignite intercultural collaboration.

Recipient of BC Community Achievement Award (2023), her approach creates sustainable community change that effectively addresses complex social problems.

Jessie Sutherland - TEDx Speaker
Jessie Sutherland - 2023 Community Award - BC Achievement Foundation - seal
Jessie Sutherland - Director of Intercultural Strategies

Jessie’s work has been delivered in over eight languages and has taken her across Canada and around the world to support communities in their efforts to address challenging issues including workplace inclusion, poverty, homelessness, the overdose crisis, elder abuse, reconciliation, youth engagement and more. Many of her clients go on to win awards for their work in engaging diversity and fostering collaboration for sustainable and lasting change.

As founder of the organization Intercultural Strategies, Jessie helps leaders and groups build cultures of belonging to create change in an inclusive and positive way. She is the innovator of the award-winning Belonging Matters framework and community change model designed to change mindsets, deepen interconnections, impart greater social capital and build stronger communities.

Jessie holds a M.A in Dispute Resolution, is a TEDx speaker and author of the book, Worldview Skills: Transforming Conflict from the Inside Out. 

About Dr. Micheal Quinn Patton

An independent consultant who has been conducting program evaluations since the 1970s, former president of the American Evaluation Association and Founder and CEO of Utilization-Focused Evaluation, Dr. Michael Quinn Patton is known for his numerous books on evaluation and is recognized as an award-winning leader in evaluation theory and practice. 

With an attributed profound influence on researchers and evaluators worldwide, his books Qualitative Research and Evaluation Methods and Utilization-Focused Evaluation, are frequently required graduate-level texts.

Here’s what people are saying about working with Jessie & Michael

"The process will help us to go deep within..."

~ Kamal Kandel
Trustbuilding Program Manager, IofC Nepal

“…the trainer was able to take us through a journey…”

~ Judy Mumbi
Trustbuilding Assistant Program Manager, IofC Kenya

Fast Track Your Learning With Proven Methods, Processes and Tools

Joining Measure and Accelerate Belonging allows you to tap into Jessie & Michael’s 40+ years of combined expertise in evaluation, organizational development, building cultures of belonging and systems change. Jessie and Michael support organizations in their change efforts in a way that empowers teams and communities with a track record for lasting and sustainable results.

For only $895, you can have immediate access to the complete training. We’ve made it easy for you to join us with the option of a payment plan, and we stand behind this program with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Intercultural Strategies | Engage Diversity. Build Belonging. Ignite Collaboration.
Intercultural Strategies - Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30 Days

Our priority is to provide you with effective, actionable tools and strategies to customize to your unique context. We’ve experienced first hand what’s possible when you use a belonging lens and Principles-Focused Evaluation to change efforts are applied, and we stand behind our approach 100%.

To optimize your success, through the program and bonuses, we provide you with an opportunity to ask questions, hear application stories, access tools and apply what you learn to your unique context.

If you complete the modules, apply the tools and strategies, and find this program still does not meet your expectations, reach out to us within 30 days of purchase. We’ll either chat with you to see if there are supports you need, or we’ll refund your purchase. We’re committed to your success. Guaranteed.

Don’t wait! See what others are saying about the Belonging Matters change approach.

Eliana Jimeno
International Peacebuilding Specialist and a perspective to empower yourself and the people around you...

The Belonging Matters approach is an ever-relevant process in the multicultural, diverse world we are living in. It provides you with tools and a perspective to empower yourself and the people around you to create spaces where we can all be our full selves and feel welcomed.

Amanda Brown
RSW, Director, ReAct Adult Protection Program, West Vancouver Community Health Centre

As a society, we need to shift from a reactive mode to a prevention mode like what Belonging Matters provides.

As a society, we need to shift from a reactive mode to a prevention mode like what Belonging Matters Conversations provides. The more that we hear the voices of people impacted the most, the more respectful the process and the better the outcomes.

We need to support grassroots and community empowerment processes to achieve prevention and real change.

Chief Robert Joseph
Hereditary Chief, Gwa wa Enuk First Nations

...the greatest potential for bringing about the needed healing and reconciliation...

Jessie Sutherland’s worldview skills may well be the insight that provides the greatest potential for bringing about the needed healing and reconciliation that must take place. It has the potential to provide the spark required to bring real peace, balance, and harmony…

Frequently Asked Questions

What results can I expect from this course?

You will have a fresh way of understanding evaluation, measuring impact of your change effort and how to accelerate belonging. As a result, you’ll build in-house capacity (save money), be equipped to access more resources (funders want evaluation plans & instruments), and have more engaged teams.

How do I know this process works?

We have been designing and implementing powerful trainings for 40+ years. You can expect to be exposed to new information, a fresh approach and be encouraged to apply what you learn in a meaningful way to gain clarity on your customized evaluation toolkit. If you’re still not convinced, we encourage you to spend some time on our Reviews page and check out any of the 100+ endorsements from people about our opportunities and the Belonging Matters framework.

How will this investment pay off?

In addition to the results listed above, attending this self-paced training means you not only foster in-house capacity that normally costs well over $20k in a 1:1 consulting package if you were to enlist both Jessie and Michael, as well as the tools that they created.

Who should attend this course?

We recommend attending with diverse representation from your team. We suggest a decision maker (director, manager, other), someone who can implement your plan from your team (team leader, evaluator), and someone most impacted by your change initiative.

I still have questions... Can I talk to someone?

Yes, we’d love to connect! Please reach out to us HERE or email us directly: [email protected]

Intercultural Strategies | Engage Diversity. Build Belonging. Ignite Collaboration.
Measure & Accelerate Belonging - IDEA Sign - Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility

Together, let’s accelerate and measure belonging.

We are extremely proud of this program and we hope you will register. Every team and community has an opportunity to either replicate the past or innovate a new way forward.

We believe that injecting a belonging lens into your change effort and integrating Principles-Focused Evaluation tools will help you focus your efforts and will lead to a transformative process that engages people and systems in lasting change.

We look forward to connecting with you and would love you to join our growing community of learners and leaders.

~ Jessie & Michael
