Access our Tools for Genuine Reconciliation PDF handout collection so that you can avoid common pitfalls and instead anchor your approach with the essential knowledge and skills for success.
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Access our Tools for Genuine Reconciliation PDF handout collection so that you can avoid common pitfalls and instead anchor your approach with the essential knowledge and skills for success.

Get the Tools for Genuine Reconciliation PDF Bundle
Many leaders are keen to work towards Truth and Reconciliation Calls For Action; however, they inadvertently make problems worse by fast tracking a process that can create a kind of “false reconciliation.” When you learn about false reconciliation, you can avoid key pitfalls that erode trust and credibility from the get go.
Here’s what you’ll gain when you access Tools for Genuine Reconciliation:
An international speaker, trainer, and consultant, Jessie Sutherland works with organizations and communities to engage diversity, build belonging and ignite intercultural collaboration.
Recipient of BC Community Achievement Award (2023), her approach creates sustainable community change that effectively addresses complex social problems.

Cookie cutter approaches ignore local cultural knowledge and expertise with risks of damaging relationships even further. In the Tools for Genuine Reconciliation handout collection, you will get the essential ideas and guiding principles that you can incorporate into your change efforts.