Many years ago, before Belonging Matters evolved into its current framework, I discovered the most powerful question to ask whenever the chips are down or we’re in the “eye of the storm” of big changes... What does home mean?

I don’t know about you, but all of life’s bumps and valleys take on a whole new dimension during a global pandemic. Whether it’s been the loss of a loved one, conflicts within my family or dealing with bullying in my daughter’s school, the problem only gets magnified when we cannot connect to our networks of awesome people in the same way as before—in person intimate conversations. 

“What does home mean to me?”

This question connects me to my stories, my values, as well as to what and who matters most to me now. The awareness of what home means to me provides the compass I need for the tenacity it takes to build a new sense of home within this new circumstance. 

So, I’m curious…
  • What does home mean to you? 
  • And how can this question facilitate change within yourself?

A doorway...

Over the last 30 years, I have found this same question is a powerful doorway into facilitating both personal and system change on any given social problem. I have used it in my work to support people with lived experience and system influencers to address homelessness, poverty, violence, the overdose crisis, senior isolation, youth engagement, disability awareness campaigns and much more…

This significant question is one of the nuggets I share in our Belonging Matters Foundations training.

Hives For Humanity: What does home mean?

And so you can imagine how excited I was to learn about how one of our Belonging Matters training participants, Sarah Common, Hives for Humanity Co-founder and Executive Director, has been using this question towards addressing homelessness and addressing the overdose crisis in the Downtown Eastside (in Vancouver, BC) through billboards, conversations and panel discussions.

Listen to the video below to learn more about Sarah’s initiative through Hives For Humanity and their collaborating partners with What Does Home Mean To You and the difference it is making in the Downtown Eastside.
Hives For Humanity

Hives For Humanity project participants asking about home and gifting honey in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver, BC

Share a comment below:

I’d love to hear from you and know what does home mean to you personally and how could you use this question in your change efforts to address social problems with the communities you serve and collaborate with.

And if you’d like to learn more about our training or services, book a call with me here.
What Does Home Mean - The Power of One Question to Facilitate Change - Billboard
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About the Author

Jessie Sutherland

An international speaker, trainer, and consultant, Jessie Sutherland works with organizations and communities to engage diversity, build belonging and ignite intercultural collaboration. Her approach creates sustainable community change that effectively addresses a wide range of complex social problems.

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