At any given moment, maintaining positive mental health in the face of times of upheaval and uncertainty can be a genuine challenge. Those are especially the times we must choose to stay aligned with our values and to support one another.

I am fortunate to have worked over the last 20 years with elders from around the world, facilitating Finding Home and Belonging Matters Conversations. And I want to share with you some of the wisdom from elders that came up in every single dialogue... 

How to survive and thrive in times of disruption, crisis or change:

Over and over, elders from every demographic imaginable (refugee, Indigenous, LGBTQ2, street involved and much more) said the best way to deal with isolation and major crisis is to find ways to contribute whatever you know or have to help others.

Tip #1: Unleash strengths and use our gifts to help others

When we unleash our own strengths and draw on our gifts to help others, it takes care of so many of our own difficulties. Elders in the most difficult of situations share how helping another helps them with isolation, despair and powerlessness. Seeing how their contributions make a difference to someone else is the force that kept them going in the toughest of times (war, persecution, disaster and... yes, epidemics).

Tip #2: Shelter our minds

The second tip, I have always equally loved, comes from John O'Donohue, a Celtic philosopher and scholar. He talks about being vigilant about the "shelter of our minds". When the news or our situation is scary, we need to stay informed, but it helps no one (including ourselves) to be glued to news updates or to remain in a constant state of fear. 
Poem - John O'Donohue
What we feed our minds during times of disruption and change is key to not only surviving but to building a foundation for thriving in our rapidly changing world.

Finding ways to build self-mastery and discipline over our own thoughts is essential to our positive mental health & well-being.

Mental Health: Remember to ask for help...

For some reason, when we need help the most, it can be the hardest time to actually reach out to someone and ask for help. I’d like to offer my help to support you and your efforts, so I have a free online training available for you.

3 Strategies Every Leader Needs To Know To Facilitate Change 

This webinar offers 3 ways to deepen belonging and will help you know where and how to focus your efforts in times of disruption and rapid change. This fresh approach is a synthesis of over 30 years of designing, facilitating and supporting change processes locally, nationally and internationally, reaching over 2.5 million people globally with lasting results.

To join the next live webinar, register below.

Sending you my best wishes for your health, safety, and positive well-being through any difficult and rapidly changing times and may kind air and fresh pastures of promise be on their way.


Sending you my best wishes for your health, safety, and positive well-being through any difficult and rapidly changing times and may kind air and fresh pastures of promise be on their way.
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About the Author

Jessie Sutherland

An international speaker, trainer, and consultant, Jessie Sutherland works with organizations and communities to engage diversity, build belonging and ignite intercultural collaboration. Her approach creates sustainable community change that effectively addresses a wide range of complex social problems.

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